The XX Factor – How Better Benefits Can Better Your Business

Author: Lisa Douglas-Paul

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the forces that are pushing our ladies away from the world of work. Let’s now shift gears in Part 2 to look at what you can do to keep our wonder women with us in the fight to build business resilience in the post-pandemic era

Challenging archaic business models and embracing the new normal can help your business emerge out of the pandemic stronger than you entered it. And when it comes to building a stronger business, what better place to start than with the strength of a woman? ♀️👩
More Women in the Workplace = A Better Balance Sheet
According to UN Women, increased employment and leadership opportunities for women and can lead to enhanced organizational effectiveness and growth.

If you want to ensure that your company encourages women to not only stay but to continue to actively participate in your company’s growth thrust, you’re going to have to stretch yourself a little bit. But lucky for you we are here to help you get started with a few ideas on how to attract and keep quality female talent:  

“Better dan Bess” Benefits – Pension and Health care is a good start. But it’s just that… a start. Some of the real heavy hitters for working parents include child care, paid maternity leave, lactation rooms for nursing mothers, onsite daycare and childcare allowances. Even Apple and Facebook, two of the best-performing American technology stocks in the market about four years ago were paying for their female employees to freeze their eggs. #progressive!

Flexible Work Schedules – Flexi-time and work from home arrangements could allow employees to attend to the personal lives and return to work more focused.  Having policies that promote Work-Life Balance could minimize burnout and enhance dedication throughout your work tribe.  

Promote Boss Lady Culture– Create better opportunities for promotion and professional advancement for our ladies. Because when they grow, you grow. It’s that simple. In the wise words of the immortal James Brown, “this is a man’s world, but it would mean nothing without a woman…”. So why not try to power-up your growth strategy by creating a better work environment for all working women?

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