Passions That Make for a Great Side Hustle

Author: Jason Dookeran

You ever find yourself in a situation where you don’t know if your passion and needs align? Most people out there can recall at least one relationship where that was the case. Your desires might not always align with what you need, both in life and in your search for the perfect side hustle. The search for the right side hustle is like the search for the perfect mango. In T&T alone, there are over 70 varieties of mangoes if you look hard enough. You could potentially try to taste each one to find the one you want the most, but that might take you the rest of your life. Alternatively, you could ask someone, “Hearnah, pardner, yuh ever eat <mango name> before? How it taste?” Consider me your temporary guide to help you find a side hustle mango to suit your palate.

Most Common and Profitable Niches to Side Hustle In

  • Catering: Do you have a sweet hand? 🍞 Maybe you should consider doing a small catering business with limited distribution.
  • Writing: This side hustle was where I got started. 💻 If you know a lot about a topic and you’re good at breaking it down for others, writing can be pretty lucrative.
  • Photography: You don’t need a DSLR lens and a camera 🎥 costing several thousand dollars to get started with photography. All you need is a relatively good phone camera, an eye for detail, and maybe a photo editing suite to start making some small change from your photography hobby.
  • Drawing: Whether you do digital art or you sketch with a pen/pencil and paper,📝 there’s a massive market out there for promising artists. From game designers to logo creators can use graphic artists to enhance their products.

These are a cross-section of examples, but the list of things you can make money with isn’t limited to these niches. They’re just a general example of how a passion and an interest can combine to make money. I’ve even met local people who enjoy crafting and set up their own side business to create crochet doilies. Don’t think about these suggestions as an expansive list, but as something to build on. Building and expanding are what we’ll be doing in the next article! 

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