Business Avengers, Assemble!
Author: Gerard Ferreira
We assume by now you’ve seen or heard of the Avengers. Marvel turned this comic into a multi-million-dollar franchise beloved by comic nerds and noobs alike.
While it is fantasy, there are elements that hold true in reality. One such element is the importance of having the right team around you in order to achieve success. This was the Avengers’ founder, Nick Fury’s whole point: get the right team together to save the world when it needed saving.
While your business isn’t the world, it might certainly be your world, so you should care enough to assemble your own “Avengers.”
With this in mind, while you’ll need to evaluate your own specific needs, here’s a list of some of the most important roles to have covered:
Captain America (The Leader)
This is someone with a strong sense of the business’ direction who can inspire, motivate, encourage and reward your team/employees. The leader doesn’t need to be you, even if this business is your idea or you’re the major financier. If you’re not a natural leader yourself but you have a leader on the team, it will do you good to humble yuhself and let them do their thing.
Tony Stark (The Expert)
The expert knows your industry inside out. If they don’t, they make it their mission to find out what they don’t know. Your Tony Stark needs to keep up with trends, competitors, customers, products and vendors and use that info. wisely.
Nick Fury (The Strategist)
One of the easiest slides down to failure is working too much in your business and not enough on your business. You need someone who will think ‘big picture’; always aware of where the business is now, where it wants to be, how to get it there, what it will need, and so on.
Pepper Potts (The Accounting Banton)
More known for being Tony’s bae 💓 and the real day-to-day manager of Stark Industries, Pepper keeps an eye on the finances and you need someone to do the same. Especially if accounting is alien to you, someone experienced needs to be tasked with everything accounting-related.
The Hulk (The Muscle/Do-er)
Not everyone is cut out for sales and customer service. If you’ve interacted with Trini CSRs, you know this for a fact 🤣 😉. Whether this is actual sales or someone who is generally proactive and gets things accomplished, your Hulk should be someone who can always be counted on to execute the plan. They are especially important if you or anyone on your team tends to be stymied by procrastination. They’ll keep things in your business pushing forward so you and your enterprise can save the world.