Can’t Find a Passion to Monetize as an Entrepreneur? No Problem, Mon

Author: Gerard Ferreira


Many quotes on passion, like “Do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life,” miss the necessary aspects for having a successful business but they do underscore passion’s importance.

Passion will ensure that you persist through the good AND bad times and will attract and keep a good team around you.

But what happens if you aren’t passionate about any easily-identifiable or ’monetizable’ skill? For example, my easily-identifiable passion is drumming.🥁  Here in the Caribbean, it rel hard to make money from music though, so that is hobby ting.

However, I also love adding value to people’s lives. I like interacting with and helping make people’s lives a little easier. I didn’t think there was an easy way to make this generate income though; I can’t help an old lady cross the street and be like “yea, Moms, thaz $20, thanks.”

Richard Branson, the well-known British entrepreneur, investor and adventurer once said, “If you have an idea that might work in an area that you’re not passionate about, think about ways you could apply it to a sector that does excite you. Look at your idea from a different perspective, and you might be surprised by the results.” 💡

Aha! So just because you’re not passionate about something doesn’t mean it won’t still excite you, and it might be possible to apply your actual passion to exciting areas!

That’s what I did; I applied my passion for adding value to areas like maternity clothing, food and writing. None of these were areas I had previously considered as businesses, but I enjoy both learning new skills and the actual *BUSINESS* of these. What keeps me going with them is one commonality: they all involve helping people. 🤗🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏿 My related passion ensures that I do everything I can to help moms-to-be 🤰🏿 or to give my restaurant customers 🍴 the best experience.👌

So, to those of you who may not be clear on what your passion is or may not think your passion is easy to monetize, I challenge you to heed Branson’s words.

  • Look at your passion from a different angle.📐
  • Look at your business idea from a whole different perspective. 💭
  • Can the idea be applied to areas you are active in or excited by?
  • Do you have a close network that is involved in areas that your passion can be applied to?
Mull it over with Branson’s counsel and perhaps my experiences in mind and you just may come up with an idea or two…or three. 

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